I am a servant of Jesus Christ. I am slowly and sometimes painfully becoming the man that God wants me to be. I fight him but he is greater then any argument I can offer or any sin that I commit. He isn't something that I'm trying to be, but is instead the only one who can make me my true self. He is what I search and long for. He is my destination and my journey.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Stephen King should be a theologian

I don't think we should use his books to do a bible study, but he does make a lot of great points in many of his books. If nothing else his books are better then any of the crap that Joel Osteen or any of those other crackpots that sell Jesus to the highest bidder.
The consistant religious theme in King's books is doing the will of God no matter what the cost. This can best be seen in his amazing book "The Stand" which was made into a crappy tv movie. Every one should read this book, but I will give you the basic premise. The government creates a super flue that kills 98% of the world population. Those who survive begin having two sets of dreams. One involves a faceless man who instills fear into the hearts of the dreamers, while the other dreams are about a ver old woman (106 years to be exact) named Mother Abigail. She is kind and generous, who seeks the will of God. The survivors begin making their way to either the dark man or Mother Abigail. Those who go to the darkman form a new society that is very much a dictatorship with the darkman as its head. Those who go to Mother Abigail form a new democracy, but Mother knows this is not the reason for them to come together. She tells them that they must stand against the agents of hell. She sends four men to do just that, even though they at first want nothing to do with it.
If only the modern western church could be so bold. To really stand for the truth is not an easy task and may mean a lot of uncomfortable things. It may mean selling your stocks, house, SUV, and giving the money to the poor. It may mean leaving your family to follow him. After all HE left the throne for us, the least we can do is give up the little that we have.

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