I am a servant of Jesus Christ. I am slowly and sometimes painfully becoming the man that God wants me to be. I fight him but he is greater then any argument I can offer or any sin that I commit. He isn't something that I'm trying to be, but is instead the only one who can make me my true self. He is what I search and long for. He is my destination and my journey.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Conservative vs. Liberal

So are you a conservative or a liberal christian? As for me I'm neither, and I think people who add the terms liberal and conservative infront of christian should be ashamed of themeselves. If you read some of my other posts you will know that I am voting for Sen. Obama. For this I am classified as a liberal. However, I am also very much pro-life and pro-family. This would make me a conservative, as if all liberals hate babies and families. I have come to the conclusion that the terms liberal and conservative are the reason the american church has failed, yes failed. If we get past the fact that we don't get any unchurched person into worship on sundays let alone get them into a relationship with Christ. We make two mistakes. We either one, spend all our time telling people they are sinners who are going to hell as if we're god, or we tell them there is no hell or punishment and they can do what they want. both are wrong and must be stopped. Love without question, but when someone comes into the church they must know that God expects change from those whome he redeems.

I think another reason for all of this is something as simple as a lack of unity and organization. The protestant model is wrong and unbiblical. The idea of the local congregation being the center is just not in the bible. The church is a union of souls which form a congregation. However they are not alone and need leadership. This leadership should be from bishops in the succession of the apostles. This model of course is by no means required for salvation, but it is the model of the early church. The church today does not follow this. The three churches that do follow this: Roman, Anglican, and Easern , do have their problems to be sure, but they have much more unity then others, and a greater chance of unity with each other.

Don't get me wrong, the church is one body and nothing can separate us from each other. What I want to know is why so many protestant christians spend their time criticising other denominations. The one that gets hit the most is the Roman Catholic church. Let me go on record as saying I love the roman church and and love the people that are part of it. Some may say they are Mary worshipers who pray to statues. In response to that I would say that those who say those things are wrong. They don't worship Mary and they don't pray to statues, this is just crazy anti-catholic propoganda. Roman catholics carry the gospel to millions all over the world. As for me and my fellow anglicans, apparantly all of us are gay and are to afraid to tell any one about Jesus. I am not gay and the majority of anglicans which exist in africa and south america boldly stand for the gospel.

Any way, I don't realy know what this post is about any more, but I just needed to say this stuff.

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