I am a servant of Jesus Christ. I am slowly and sometimes painfully becoming the man that God wants me to be. I fight him but he is greater then any argument I can offer or any sin that I commit. He isn't something that I'm trying to be, but is instead the only one who can make me my true self. He is what I search and long for. He is my destination and my journey.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Getting on the ball

So by the end of this year I will be an official college graduate with a BA in history and a minor in religious studies. I'm starting to realize that next year I might be moving away from home for the first time to start something that I've been thinking about since I was 14 years old. Seminary. This summer I'm going to go there for a visit and then maybe start the discernment process at my church which means that my church and bishop will decide if they think I am fit to become a priest, and just as a side note I wish we still used the term Prebyter instead of priest, because it sounds cooler. Any way if that goes well, and I'm accepted into the seminary I want to attend, then I will be moving to Pennsylvania for the better part of 3 years. I've never been away from home that long and it means that I'm probably gonna have to find a room mate and pay actual bills. Thats when the real studying starts. Lots of fun!!!